The Mr. and I are now happy home owners!

contrary to popular belief, the juniper above is not swallowing the house. Oh yes, there will be more on that.
So many projects! So much to do! Ahhhhh the potential! See the picture? Don't you just think she needs a little love? Or are we insane?
We are so excited to get started and let er rip with all of our DIY enthusiasm.
But first things first. Look forward to a few posts on our home purchasing experience. Not exactly like you see on HGTV. Property Virgins? Misleading! Canadian!
And then a little somethin’ somethin’ about the move.
Oh and you want to hear about our kitchen remodel 32 hours after moving in that only cost 135 bucks*? Well, that’s coming up too.
Stay tuned, folks. This is going to be fun!
Now, Alex P. Kitten says, “happy Halloween!” In case you were wondering, he’s dressed up as a cow.
We are so excited to get started and let er rip with all of our DIY enthusiasm.
But first things first. Look forward to a few posts on our home purchasing experience. Not exactly like you see on HGTV. Property Virgins? Misleading! Canadian!
And then a little somethin’ somethin’ about the move.
Oh and you want to hear about our kitchen remodel 32 hours after moving in that only cost 135 bucks*? Well, that’s coming up too.
Stay tuned, folks. This is going to be fun!
Now, Alex P. Kitten says, “happy Halloween!” In case you were wondering, he’s dressed up as a cow.

congrats! thats so exciting -im definitely looking forward to these posts! husband and i are looking for houses right now, so hopefully we'll have some diy projects too!